· The bandage applied to your tattoo is see-through, which means the plasma, excess ink, and blood underneath the bandage will be visible throughout wearing it. It’s normal for it to look gross!
· You can shower while wearing this bandage, but please use common sense. Do not stay in the shower for a long time, allow water to run over the bandage for a long time, or vigorously dry the bandage after a shower, and use caution while donning and removing clothing.
· Please wear this bandage between 24 hours and 3 days. Longer is better, but if it begins to leak or any part of the tattoo is exposed, remove it as soon as you are home or in a place where you can shower and clean it thoroughly.
· When it is time to remove the bandage, peel it off slowly in the shower rather than ripping it off. You can use the warm water from the shower and some soap to loosen the edges.
· Thoroughly wash the tattoo using Dr. Bronner’s soap (any scent is okay) until the skin no longer feels slimy. This may take two or three full applications of soap and rinsing. When you think the tattoo is clean, wash it one more time! Rinse thoroughly then pat dry with a paper towel.
· Your goal for this step is to make sure the skin looks thoroughly cleaned, not shiny or gooey. The shiny bits are plasma, of which you will want to remove as much as possible before drying. This step is very important!
· Once the tattoo is unwrapped, pay close attention to it for a day or two. Wash it morning and evening with warm water and Dr. Bronners. Pat dry with a paper towel.
· Allow your tattoo to air dry for 10 or 15 minutes after washing. Be sure to let the tattoo dry out fully, then once the skin begins to feel tight, moisturize it lightly with Curél or Eucerin plain unscented lotion.
· Do not moisturize any other time unless it feels so dry it might crack or is causing you great discomfort. You can apply lotion if the tattoo itches, but again, use sparingly. The tattoo needs to dry out to heal.
· ANY TIME YOU TOUCH YOUR TATTOO, YOU MUST HAVE CLEAN HANDS. Never touch your fresh tattoo without washing your hands first.
· NEVER pick at your tattoo. It is normal to have peeling and/or scabbiness, which will be pigmented like the tattoo itself. Let the dead skin slough off on its own! Picking can pull out pigment.
· While the tattoo is healing, avoid standing water (no swimming or baths) and direct sunlight or tanning. Cover your tattoo with something clean if you’re going to be out in the sun! Showers are, obviously, not only fine, but recommended.
· Continue moisturizing the tattoo once a day until it is finished peeling and no longer feels scaly, itchy, or waxy.
· Remove bandage the next day.
· With clean hands, wash your tattoo with mild soap (we recommend Dr. Bronner’s) and hot water, then pat dry with a paper towel.
· Allow your tattoo to dry out for a day or two before using lotion.
· After 1-2 days of dry healing you may begin using Curel or Eucerin unscented lotion 1-2x daily only as needed. Make sure your hands are clean whenever you lotion your tattoo.
· Make sure you let your tattoo dry for at least an hour after showering before lotioning your tattoo.
· As your skin heals it will begin to peal and may itch.
· DO NOT pick or scratch your tattoo. DO NOT submerge your tattoo in water such as swimming. DO NOT expose your tattoo to direct sunlight until healed.
· These directions are meant to be used as guidelines and may vary from person to person. The most important rule is to keep your tattoo clean. If you have any other questions please do not hesitate to contact the shop.